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Quintal Roy Edwin
He was killed in action 5th October 1917 in the Battle of Broodseinde (Part of the Third Ypres). He is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium. Mrs. H. Quintal, late of the Sorell Post Office and now of Somerset has received a number of letters from members of the Australian Imperial Force with reference to her son, Private Roy E. Quintal, who was killed in action on October 4 or 5, 1917. Lieutenant H. L. Foster, Officer Commanding H Company. 40th Battalion, writing to her, says:- "I am sorry I cannot give you full particulars of his death, as we have lost so many good men in the last two attacks. Your son had not been with us very long, but I can assure you that his worth as a soldier and a man was appreciated in our company and battalion, and I wish to express, on our behalf, our very deep sympathy for you in your loss, and if at any future date more is known we will communicate with you." Private P. Donohoe of the 40th Battalion, writing from the Birmingham War Hospital, says:- "Roy was killed instantly by a splinter from a shell bursting near us as we were going into action early on the morning of October 4, and he was buried at Ypres in a large grave- yard in Belgium, about-six miles from the line. The graves away from the line are well looked after. Roy was a great pal of mine. I was wounded in the hand with a piece of shell, which nearly blew my hand off, on March 28, when the Germans made their big advance. The Tassies have been in heavy fighting since. It is all open fighting, and there will be big losses on both sides, as they come on in thousands." Private Syd. H. Palmer, of Woodsdale, writing from France, says : "Roy never suffered any pain, for he was killed instantly by a shell. We were going into the front line about 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning on October 4 to make a big attack, and the Germans were firing big shells back to where we had to go in. They were falling all around us. Roy was a little ahead of me, and when I saw him he was quite dead. The same shell killed two other boys. He was a good-hearted boy, and was well liked by everybody that knew him." Corporal C. M. Cullinane writes:- "Like many others, he died as a soldier is expected to die, and the loss was one felt by his many comrades." Licutenant-Colonel J. E. C. Lord, writing to a brother of the late Private Quintal, and giving particulars of his death, says:-"He was killed instantly by a splinter from a shell east of Ypres on October 4, 1917. When forming up prior to an attack, an enemy shell killed your brother and another man. He was buried by a Canadian padre. The location has been registered with the Grave Registration Department, but what the situation is now I cannot tell you for there has been much heavy fighting, and shelling is so intense in these areas that matters soon change. Your brother was a good, brave boy." The Mercury 27th August 1918
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