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Brooke Vivian Cyril


Born 19th June 1887 Hobart Tasmania to Robert Parkinson and Sarah Amy Brooke (nee Spurling) he was a bank clerk when he enlisted.

 Was badly wounded at Gallipoli, captured and died whilst a prisoner of war at Bagha, Turkey.

The many friends of Private V C Brooke who enlisted at Hobart with the first expeditionary forces will regret to hear he has been officially reported missing.  He was a great favourite in social and athletic circles particularly as a member of the Endeavour and New Town Cricket clubs, New Town Harrier, Buckingham Rowing and Rialannah Football clubs.  He was educated at Queens College and Friends High School and first joined the staff of Messrs Patterson, Laing and Bruce.  He became a member of the Bank of Australasia and later joined the Commonwealth Bank.  He is 28 years of age.

The Weekly Courier 24th June 1915















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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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