Informal portrait of 3518 Private (Pte) Harold Charles Burgess, 40th Battalion, of Preston, Tas. A farmer prior to enlistment he embarked from Melbourne with the 9th Reinforcements on board HMAT 30 October 1917. Pte Burgess was killed in action on the 8 May 1918, aged 19. He is buried at the Mericourt L'Abbe Communal Cemetery Extension, France. On Tuesday evening the Rev. Trebilco brought the sad news to Mr. and Mrs. C. Burgess that their son Harold had been killed in action. It is about 12 months since Pte. Burgess enlisted. In pre-war days he was a Member of the Preston Rifle Club and took a great interest in shooting. He was born and educated in the district, and his bright and cheery manner endeared him to all who knew him. Mr Burgess has another son (Laurance) fighting somewhere in France. A trench comfort social was to have been held in the evening, but after receiving the sad news, it was postponed until a later date. The very deepest sympathy of the Rifle Club members and the whole district goes out to the parents and relatives. The North Western Advocate 25th May 1918
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