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Butler, Brian Nairn
Born 29th June 1982 Hobart Tasmania the son of Gamaliel Henry and Ethel Julia Butler (nee Nairn) a bank clerk he embarked Melbourne 19th February 1915 on board “HMAT Runic” with the 12th Infantry Battalion and the rank of Private. 2nd Lieutenant Butler was killed in action 18th September 1918 by machine gun fire at Jeancourt in France and is commemorated in the Jeancourt Communal Cemetery Extension, Jeancourt, Picardie, France. Brian Nairn Butler, youngest son of the late Hon G H Butler was born in 1892 and entered the school in 1903. A boy who took life seriously, and threw himself whole heartedly into everything he took up he made his mark in the school in many directions, but especially in cricket and football at both of which he excelled. As a batsman he had no equal, and he captained the School Eleven with success. On leaving school he accepted a clerkship in the Commonwealth Bank which he held at the time of his enlistment. He was promoted to Q.M.S. of the 12th Battalion and early in the present year gained a commission after passing through a school at Oxford. He was killed in action on September 18th after three and a half years active service. The Hutchins School Magazine Christmas 1918
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