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Cameron Alan Hugh



Tasmanian Casualties.
Mrs. R. H. Jeffrey, of Melrose has received intimation that a nephew, Private Allen Hugh Cameron was amongst the killed at the landing at the Dardanelles on April 25th. The gallant
young fellow who was only 22 years of age, was a native of West Kentish being the second son of Mr Donald Cameron, who formerly resided there ,afterwards removing to Penguin and later going on to New Zealand where the deceased soldier enlisted for the front. His eldest brother Jack is at the front. As a result of the news of their brothers death in the heroic action at the Dardanelles his other two brothers Robert and Urquhart have since enlisted whilst so strongly was the Cameron blood stirred that the father himself was anxious also to go and avenge the death of his son but had passed the age limit.
The North West Post 16th July 1915.






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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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