Crawford, Norman
Born 1st June 1894 Hagley Tasmania to George and Sarah Ann Crawford (nee Jordan) a draper he embarked Hobart 20th October 1914 on board “HMAT Geelong” with the 3rd Field Artillery Brigade He died 4th September 1918 from wounds received in the field and was buried in the Heath Cemetery, Harbonnieres, France. All five sons of George and Sarah Crawford enlisted and they were to lose two more Gunner Robert Abraham Crawford (No 2063) who was killed in action 14th November 1916 in France and Gunner Edward Crawford (No 2327) who died from wounds 21st October 1917 and was buried in The Huts Cemetery, Belgium.
The Rev. J. Tryon Wilson yesterday conveyed the sad news to Mr. and Mrs. G. Crawford, Burnie, that their second son, Sergt. Norman Crawford, died of gunshot wounds in the chest on September 4th, at the 50th Casualty Clearing Station. Sergt. Crawford had been on active service four years, and had not previously been wounded. Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford have now lost three sons on active service; The respectful sympathy of the general public is extended to them in their great sorrow. The North Western Advocate 18th September 1918
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