Culton, William James
Born Victoria but living and working in Tasmania when he enlisted. Was killed by machine gun bullets at Armentieres 12th February 1917 and is commemorated in the Pont-du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue, France. KILLED IN ACTION LIEUT. W. J. CULTON. The many friends of Lieutenant William James Culton, who was connected with the staff of Messrs W. T. York and Co. as manager prior to enlisting in August, 1915 will regret to learn that he was killed in action in France on February 12 last. He was the eldest son of Mrs Culton and the late William Culton of ‘Tyrone,' Rupanyup, Victoria, although having had previous military experience, and haying held the rank of lieutenant, he enlisted as a private, and entered the school of instruction, where he graduated for his lieutenancy before embarking with the 40th Battalion. On leaving camp, en route for the great war, he held the position of quartermaster, recent letters received by Zeehan friends intimated that be had 'got rid ' of that office and had gained his desire by reaching the trenches. Zeehan and Dundas Herald 7th March 1917
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