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Drew, William George
He was serving with the 47th Battalion when he was killed in action 24th January 1917 near Flers and is commemorated in the Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers, France. MILITARY MEDAL London Gazette 9th December 1916 Displayed general coolness and capacity in the firing line and on 1st September accompanied a patrol, under Captain Davey which bombed a German advance post near Moquet Farm LATE LIEUT. DREW of STRAHAN The Rev. W. G. Thomas, of Queenstown, writes: — You published in your issue of Jan. 25 a letter from Lieut. Drew to Mrs. Hounan of Burnie concerning the death of her husband. News has now been received that Lieut Drew was killed in action on Jan. 2O the day before the letter was published. In view of this fact, some of the passages in the letter read very pathetically, and there is almost a prophetic ring in them. Lieut. Drew was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Drew, of STRAHAN, and grandson of Rev. Howard Drew, one time rector of Circular Head. He was born at Devonport, where his parents resided for some years. He recently won the Military Cross for conspicuous gallantry in the field. You can tell what manner of man he was by the letter published by you on January 26. He joined the ranks as a private and speedily won promotion, which was not a surprise to those who knew his worth. He leaves a widow and two children in Hobart. The North Western Advocate 10th February 1917
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