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Fagan, Thomas Elton
Born 4th August 1896 Waratah Tasmania to John and Julia Fagan (nee Hanlon) a draper by trade he departed Hobart 8th May 1916 on HMAT Seang Choon with the 12th Infantry Battalion He offered his services four days after war was declared but was turned down owing to defective teeth but was accepted in February 1916. Enlisted as reinforcements to the 12th Battalion but was transferred to the 51st in France. He died of wounds received 9th June 1917 at Messines Ridge and is commemorated at the Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord), France Military Medal On 2nd April 1917 during the advance and attack on Noreudl when his company was held up by wire entanglements and being heavily fired upon by machine guns this NCO promptly brought a lewis gun into action and silenced the enemy gun thus allowing the Coy to advance through the wire. Cpl FAGAN’S presence of mind and ready action averted serious casualties.
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