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Goodall, Alfred
He died 13th January 1916 5th Australian General Hospital Melbourne from Phthisis and haemoptysis and was buried in the Springvale Necropolis, Springvale, Melbourne. DIED AT BROADMEADOWS. Mr. A. Sutton of Waratah is in receipt of a cable from the military authorities at Broadmeadows encampment containing the sad intelligence of the death of his nephew Pte Alf. Goodall from illness on the 16th inst. The deceased soldier was one of the first to offer his services, having enlisted at Wynyard with the Tasmanian Light Horse shortly after the outbreak of war. After taking part in the fighting in Gallipoli the late Pte. Goodall was invalided home and visited Mr. Sutton some weeks ago. At the time of death taking place he was again training at Broadmeadows preparatory to resuming his place in the firing line, when illness again overtook him terminating as stated. The North Western Advocate 20th January 1916
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