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Harper, David James


Born 14th December 1891 Nile Tasmania the son of David and Sarah Ann Harper (nee Griffiths) a miner he embarked Melbourne 22nd December 1914 on board “HMAT Ceramic” with the 15th Infantry Battalion. 

He was killed in action 9th May 1915 on the Gallipoli Peninsula and is commemorated in Quinn's Post Cemetery, Gallipoli Peninsula, Canakkale Province, Turkey. 

Private David J. Harper who was killed in action at the Dardanelles was the youngest son of Mrs Harper, post mistress of South Mount Cameron and the late D. Harper of Nile. The deceased, with his brother Thomas, joined the 2nd Expeditionary Force. The latter was wounded soon after landing, while the former was killed a few days later. The following extract from a letter of sympathy written by the manager of the mine where deceased worked until volunteering, speaks for itself :

'His kindly manner and most agreeable disposition will always make his departure from among us in this life deeply regretted. His honest young life is without a blemish. He was one of the most highly respected young men in the mine.'

The deepest sympathy is felt, and has been expressed throughout the North-East Coast where deceased was well known and highly respected, for the bereaved mother, sisters, and brothers.

Daily Telegraph Launceston 9th June 1915






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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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