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Hine, Harold Leslie



Born Sydney New South Wales the son of Charles James Hine but living in Launceston Tasmania and working as a compositor who departed Australia with the 1 Australian General Hospital.

 He was killed in action 6th November 1917 near Dickebusch and is commemorated in The Huts Cemetery, Belgium.

Mr. C. Hine of the Cataract Hill has received a letter from Private H. C. Coventry giving an account of how his son Private Les. Hine (of the Field Ambulance) was killed and expressing the deepest sympathy. It would seem that a squad of four including the late Private Hine were sitting around a shell hole, having a rest, when a shell landed among them, killing Private Hine and the man next to him the other two being badly wounded. Private Hine suffered no pain. Death was instantaneous.  His remains were taken back to a village called Dickebash a little to the west of Ypres and buried with the man who was killed at the same time. He died bravely doing his duty adds the ]ctter, and I know you are proud of him.

The Examiner 10th May 1918













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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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