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Hounam, Robert
Born 1886 Rothbury England the son of John Stephen and Ada Hounam married to Phoebe Tallack, living in Burnie Tasmania and working as a draper he embarked Melbourne 24th November 1915 on board RMS Orontes with the 15th Infantry Battalion. He was killed in action 16th November 1916 in France and is commemorated in the Bulls Road Cemetery, Flers, France. KILLED IN ACTION. It was the painful duty of the Rev. J. Tryon Wilson last evening to inform Mrs. Hounam of Burnie that her husband, Sergt. R. Hounam, had been killed in action in France on November 16 Sergt. Hounam enlisted some fifteen months ago and left with the 47th Battalion twelve months ago last November. He came of a family of patriots, whose record is one of great devotion to the Empire. There were nine in the family. Six sons joined the colors, while two daughters are engaged as nurses in hospitals; the remaining son being under military age. Sergt. Hounam was employed at Messrs. Brownell and Co. prior to enlisting, and was an esteemed and popular townsman : his early death will be deeply deplored. He married the eldest daughter of Mr. F. J. Talback, and leaves a daughter. The North Western Advocate 13th Dec 1916
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