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Howell Ahlbare





Born 28th September 1895 in Hobart, Tasmania to Frederick William and Martha Jane Howell (nee Hammersley) he was a draper’s assistant when he enrolled in Brisbane on the 23rd of December 1916. He departed Melbourne 11th May 1917 on “HMAT Ascanius” with the the 36th Australian Heavy Artillery Group (36th HAG). On deployment from Australia he was shipped to England where he went onto Devonport, France and eventually onto to Ypres in Belgium, where he received shell wounds to the abdomen on the 24th April 1918 as part of a counter battery battle with German artillery. He died from these wounds on the 25th of April 1918

He is buried at Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, Belgium.











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