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Hughes Joseph Henry





Mr. Fred Hughes of Myalla, has received official Information that his son Pte. Joseph Henry died of wounds on April 28. The deceased soldier was 30 years and unmarried. He left Myalla for New Zealand about two years ago, and was one of the first to enlist from New Zealand. He took part in the historic landing, but subsequently was wounded in tho chest. He was taken to hospital in Egypt, and when he recovered sufficiently was removed to England. Unfortunately, however, complications set in, and he died on April 29. The Hughes family are well known in Burnie, having resided there for several years. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Hughes in his bereavement.
North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times Monday 15 May 1916



















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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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