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Johnson, Cyril Allen
Born Sheffield Tasmania the son of Thomas Lewis Johnson a labourer who died 14th July 1915 from wounds received on the Gallipoli Peninsula and is commemorated on the Lone Pine Memorial, Gallipoli, Turkey. SHEFFIELD SOLDIER ACCIDENTALLY KILLED. Mr. T. L. Johnson is in receipt of the following letter from the Base Records Office, Melbourne: — 'With reference to the regrettable loss of your son, the late late C. A. Johnson I am now in receipt of advice which showsthat he died of wounds received as the result of the accidental discharge of a machine-gun, whilst being instructed in its use. It appears that the gun's crew was exercising with dummy cartridges and by accident a live cartridge was placed in the belt, with the result that while your son was leaning across the muzzle of the gun he received the wounds which caused his death. The finding of the court reads: 'That the wounding of No 1340 Pte. Johnson, 15th. Batt was the result of an accident”. I am directed to convoy to you the sincere regret and sympathy of the Minister on the unfortunate loss, by this means, of a promising life. The North Western Advocate 28th March 1916
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