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Johnson, Frederick Miller Born 2nd April 1863 Hobart Tasmania the son of George Thomas and Flora Johnson (nee McDonald) married and a medical practitioner he embarked Melbourne 4th June 1915 on board “HMAT Ajana” with the 6th Field Ambulance and the rank of Captain. Major Johnson died from wounds received in action 29th November 1915 on the Gallipoli Peninsula and is commemorated on the Lone Pine Memorial Gallipoli. THE LATE DR. F. M. JOHNSON1 MEMORIAL PROPOSED. (To the Editor.) - Sir,-So many gallant Australians have fallen on the heights of Gallipoli that recognition of each individually would be an impossibility. When victory eventually crowns our arms a lasting memorial to the brave men of Anzac will be one of the first duties of the Australian public. I take it, however, that it would not in any way detract from our admiration of "duty nobly done" by the whole of those who participated if we in South Melbourne singled out for local recognition one of our foremost citizens who has so recently fallen. I refer to Dr. F. Miller Johnston. Never could a man be so ill spared to this district. Not only because of the sacrifice in giving his life for his country is he deserving of our unstinted praise and admiration but also on account of the splendid work amongst the poor of this city, and on behalf of local institutions for many years prior to the outbreak of war. The widow behind in her rent, the old pensioner with insufficient fuel for the winter nights; these are the people that will look in vain for his cheery face, for his munificent gifts. I know of no man whose memory is more worthy of being perpetuated than the gallant little doctor and at the request of several citizens of South Melbourne I now have pleasure in convening a meeting at the Town Hall, South Melbourne, next Thursday night, 27th inst. to consider what steps should be taken in the direction indicated. The mayor is out of town otherwise I would have asked him to convene the meeting. Thanking you in anticipation of giving this matter publicity.-Yours etc., R.P CUTHBERTSON 88 Ninmmo Street, Middle Park. Record (Emerald Hill) Vic 22nd Jan 1916
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