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Kenny Albert Arthur
Born 25th November 1890 Mersey Tasmania the third and youngest son of Thomas (dec’d) and Martha Kenny (nee Munday). He was half brother to Edwin Robert Jones (7526) who was also killed in action. He enlisted Claremont Tasmania. Death of Pte A A Kenny The following letter has been received by Mrs. Jones of Trafalgar, whose son, Private Kenny was killed in France while on active service My Dear Madam, I am advised that you are mother and next of kin to Pte Kenny A A No 1358 of Australian Provost Corps and very much regret having to advise you of his death, being killed by shell fire at Henecourt on 2/4/18. We are all deeply grieved at the death of your son. He was one of the best boys on the detachment and was loved by all who came into contact with him. He had just come in off duty and retired to his billet for a few hours rest. He had only been there a few minutes when a shell exploded in the room killing him and a mate and badly wounding a third. We were unable to recover any of his private effects as everything was blown to pieces. He was buried with full military honors at the military cemetery Warloy, which is about 20 kms from Amiens. Please accept my deepest sympathy in your sad bereavement, and I know you will be glad to know he died as a soldier, playing an admirable part in the downfall of the Hun, We have had a nice cross erected over his grave. I am, Yours faithfully, M Jarire, Capt. A.P.M. 4th Aus Div News 25th July 1918 Photo Courtesy Ann Erbs
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