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Lord, Hector Edward


Mrs. A. Lord, of 98 Main Road, New Town, has received word that the second of her two sons, Corporal Hector Edward Lord (12th Battalion), was killed in action in France on August 25. The brothers Lord, Hector and Robert, enlisted in 1914, and the former left Tasmania by the Geelong on October 20 of that year, and the latter left Melbourne on December 20 (16th Battalion, and both were at the landing on Gallipoli. The younger (Robert) was reported missing and wounded on August 8, 1915 (Lone Pine), and was definitely reported killed in March, 1916. When he fell he was 18 years old.

Hector was wounded on August 13, 1915, recovered sufficiently to accompany the Anzacs to France, and was again wounded and sent to England in October, 1916. After three months in hospital he was retained in England as bombing instructor, returning to his unit in France in June, 1917. In May, 1918, he was reported wounded, but remained on duty, and was killed on August 25, within a few days of his 24th birthday, after four years' service. Corporal Lord was a well-known figure in local athletic and football circles.   Private Robert Lord, who enlisted at 17 1/2, was formerly an operative at Aiken Brothers' woollen mills, Hobart.

The Mercury 20th September 1918






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