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Mansfield, Henry Charles
Born 1895 Don Tasmania the son of Robert and Martha Ann Mansfield (nee Harman) a pattern maker he embarked Hobart 20th October 1914 on board “HMAT Geelong” with the 12th Infantry Battalion. He was killed in action 6th May 1917 at Bullecourt and is commemorated in the Queant Road Cemetery Official advice has been received that Lance-Corporal Harry C. Mansfield was killed in action in France on May 6; this intelligence being conveyed to his father, Mr. Robert Mansfield last night by the Rev G A. Rowe. L.-Cpl. Mansfield was one of the first volunteers in Devonport, and was attached to the machine gun section of the 9lst infantry Devonport when war broke out. With several others of the section he took on the more serious business and was attached to the machine gun section (of the Famous Twelfth). During the landing at Gallipoli this section performed some remarkably valiant deeds. They had to land and set up their guns and right well they did it. On that occasion L.-Cpl. Mansfield’s pal Harry Harrison, fell, while he was also wounded. He, however, quickly returned to Gallipoli, and was after some months, taken off a train sick only to return and take part in the evacuation. L.-Cpl. Mansfield went to France, and was later again transferred to the machine gun. He has been through the whole of the Australian French campaign. A brother of his Pte Bert Mansfield made the supreme sacrifice at Gallipoli. A quiet unassuming young man only 22 yours of age at the time of his death The North Western Advocate 22nd May 1917
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