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Naden, Nigel Christopher
Born Dunedin New Zealand to Rose Caroline and Christopher Joseph Naden but living in Sandy Bay Tasmania, a law clerk, he embarked Sydney 14th June 1917 on board “HMAT Hororata” with the 40th Infantry Battalion. He was killed in action in France 9th May 1918 and is commemorated in the Mericourt-L'Abbe Communal Cemetery Extension, France.
Mrs. Rose
Caroline Naden of 57
King-street Sandy Bay has received
official intelligence that her only son,
Corpporal Nigel Chnstopher Naden was
killed in action on May 9
somewhere in France. Corporal Naden for over 12
years occupied the responsible position of clerk to Mr C
Davenport Hoggins. He was an oarsman, being one
of the members of a Southern eight
oar crew, and a member of the Sandy Bay Club.
Just before his being ordered
to the firing line, in consequence of the great
offensive, he achieved great
success at the non-commissioned officers'
school and was recommended
to the rank of sergeant and a cadetship,
which in all possibility meant
Oxford for five or six months and a
commission. In the last letter received
by his mother, dated just three weeks
before his death, he says -"Every
available man is to be rushed across, and I hope Mr.
Lloyd George's appeal
for more men will have good effect in
the colonies, with the result that our
ranks will be brought up to full strength, The age limit
is being
brought up to 50 in England so that
you will see the need for more men.
I have not had a bad deal in
the Army since I enlisted in the Australian
Imperial Forces, so I am glad
at last to be going over to the
to do 'my bit' for God, King, and
country. I hope to come out all right,
and hope you will not worry over me too much I know you
will, it is only
natural. But always look upon the
bright and hopeful side, which is the
right side." The Mercury 10th June 1918
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