If you could spare
a few dollars to help with the running costs of
hosting this website to keep it alive would be
very much appreciated.
Thankyou from
Gravesites of Tasmania in advance. |
Neaves, Frederick John
He was born Ultimo Sydney New South Wales, the son of Elizabeth
Henrietta Neaves but living and working as a motor
mechanic in Richmond Tasmania when he enlisted.
He was
serving with the
22nd Company Australian Machine Gun Corps when he was
killed in action 7th
October 1917 and is commemorated ion the
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium.
Mr and Mrs W
J Neaves, of Richmond have received the following letter
from General Birdwood in reply
to their request for information regarding
their only son who left Tasmania
on active service in December,
"I regret to
have to inform
you that your boy was killed when
fighting near Passchendaele in October
last I fully realise what a great blow
this will have been
to yon, and I deeply svmpathise with
you and your husband in the loss of your only boy,
which is indeed irreparable I do hope
that you will be afforded some consolation in knowing
that your boy proved
himself a real brave soldier and that
he willingly gave his life fighting gallantly for his
King and country. 1
have ascertained that the
effects of your boy have been received
at our Base Office, and will be returned to you in due
course With my
kind regards and again my deep sympathy, (Signed)
Birdwood "
The Mercury
12th March 1918