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Nicholas, Henrie Clarence


He was born “Millbrook” Ouse Tasmania the son of George Clarence Nicholas, a pastoralist and Councillor for the Hamilton Municipality who departed Hobart 20th October 1914 on board “HMAT Geelong” with the 3rd Light Horse Regiment.


Lance Corporal Nicholas served in Egypt, Gallipoli and again in Egypt where he was

killed instantly 4th August 1916 by a bullet in the forehead at Meredith Ridge, El Romani, Egypt.

 He is commemorated on the Jerusalem Memorial, Israel.

His only brother Basil died as the result of wounds received in the retreat from Mons in 1914 with his regiment, the 12th Royal Lancers

Our Hamilton correspondent writes: - "Sorrow was felt in every household in the township when the news became known on Tuesday afternoon last that Mr. Henric Nicholas had been killed in action in Egypt. No one in the district was more respected or better liked than he. As a cricketer, a pastoralist, or a councillor, as an acquaintance or friend, everyone who had met him was proud to have known him. No one more than he has ever pointed by duty done how plain the way of duty lies.

The Mercury 18th August 1916













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