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Palmer, Alfred


Born Stowport Tasmania the so of Elizabeth Johnson (Palmer)  a farmer he embarked Melbourne 23rd September 1916 on board “HMAT Seang Choon” with the 40th Infantry Battalion. 

He was killed in action 22nd April 1918 in France and is commemorated in the Mericourt-L'Abbe Communal Cemetery Extension, France.



A recent mail from France brought Mrs E Palmer of Burnie particulars of the death of her son Pte Alfred Palmer during April. His death was instantaneous and was caused by a shell coming through the window of the building in which he was billetting with his unit, some distance behind the lines, and exploding in the room. His battalion had only just been relieved and Pte. Palmer had been in the building but a few minutes. By the same mail Mrs. Palmer received from Lieut. T. G. Cranswick who commanded the platoon to which Pte Palmer belonged a letter of sympathy. Regret was expressed at his death, and a tribute paid to his qualities as a comrade and a soldier.

North Western Advocate 30th July 1918






                    Photo Courtesy Jim Rouse




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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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