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The Rev. N. G. Higgs, of Latrobe had the painful duty on Monday of conveying the sad news to Mr. and Mrs. John Rockliff, of Sassafras, that their son, Private Victor Henry Rockliff, who had been previously reported as wounded and missing, was now reported as killed on May 5 1917, at Bullecourt, in France. Mr. and Mrs. Rockliff had been previously advised that Private Rockliff had been awarded the Military Medal for rescuing comrades under fire. He enlisted in April, 1916, and was 24 years of age. A letter written to his parents was picked up. at Bullecourt and forwarded to them. Several letters from various officers have been received by Mr. and Mrs Rockliff.

Examiner Launceston 10th Jan 1918

Military Medal

'On the morning of 11th December, 1916, whilst in FLERS SECTOR, a party of 1 Corporal and 12 men carried hot tea up to the front line just before daybreak. They unfortunately went through a gap in our wire and arrived on the German parapet before they realised what had happened. Heavy rifle fire was at once turned upon them and they ran back. Three men were wounded (two of them severely). Privates [1238 S.] Shelverton and Rockcliffe remained behind with them and assisted them back to our own trenches from the middle of No Man's Land under continued rifle and machine gun fire whilst day was fast breaking.'
Source: 'Commonwealth Gazette' No. 133
Date: 21 August 1917





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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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