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Rouse, Sydney Arthur
Born 1892 Evandale Tasmania the son of James and Mary Ann Rouse (nee Desmond) a groom for the Governor General Victoria (Lord Denham) he embarked Sydney 14th June 1917 on board “HMAT Hororata” with the 12th Infantry Battalion. He died 23rd April 1918 in France from wounds received in the field and was buried in the Meteren Military Cemetery, France. Much sympathy was expressed for the parents and relatives of the late Private Sydney Rouse when the news reached them of this young soldier's death. Private Rouse was the seventh son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rouse, of lnvermay and was the fourth member of this family to serve his country, three other brothers still being on active service. Private Rouse will be well remembered as a swimmer in the northern part of the island having won the "Courier" trophy for a year, and being the holder of the Trinity Club cup for 12 months. In 1914 he became the possessor of a marksman certificate. The late Private Rouse was also well known in Hobart where he resided at the time of enlistment. The Examiner 8th June 1918
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