Shipton, Arthur William
Born 1886 Campbell Town Tasmania the son of John and Matilda Caroline Shipton (nee Arundel) a farmer he embarked Melbourne 29th March 1916 on board RMS Orontes with the 12th Infantry Battalion. Sergeant Shipton was killed in action 11th June 1917 in Belgium and is commemorated on the Menin Gate Memorial, Ypres, West-Vlaanderen, Flanders, Belgium. The sad news came to Mr. and Mrs. John Shipton of Lebrina this week that their son, Sergeant Arthur Shipton, had died of wounds in France. Among the residents to whom the late soldier while here had endeared himself by his estimable and loveable qualities the tidings came as a blow. At a meeting of the local rifle club the loss of their late comrade was feelingly discussed by the members, and a motion of condolence and sympathy by Mr. Arthur Rice was carried in silence, bareheaded and standing. Examiner Launceston 7th July 1917
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