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Stevens, William Leonard
Born 1895 Launceston Tasmania to Henry and Esther Stevens (nee Brooks) a clerk he embarked Melbourne 17th June 1915 on board “HMAT Wandilla” with the 3rd Light Horse Regiment. He was serving with the 5th Brigade Field Artillery when he was wounded in action at Bullecourt France and died 16th April 1917. He was buried in the St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, France. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stevens 117 Galerin Street were yesterday advised by wire from the Defence Department of the death from wounds received in action of their son, Private William Leonard Stevens. He was attached to the 105th Howitzer Battery, late 3rd Light Horse Regiment and had seen considerable fighting. Prior to enlisting Private Stevens was employed at Messrs. P. 0. Fysh and Co., Ltd., Launceston, and was much esteemed by all. He was member of the Lawrence Vale Cycling Club and at the time of his death was 22 years of age. Examiner Launceston 27th April 1917
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