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Tippett, Albert Ernest Arthur
Born 17th June 1894 Waratah Tasmania to Albert and Annie Rebecca Tippett (nee Penny) a tin dresser who embarked Melbourne 22nd December 1914 on board “HMAT Ceramic” with the 15th Infantry Battalion H Company and the rank of sergeant. Sgt Tippett was killed in action 3rd May 1915 on the Gallipoli Peninsula and is commemorated in Quinn's Post Cemetery, Gallipoli, Turkey. At the last summoned meeting of the Loyal Bischoff Lodge M.U., 1.0-0 .F. (N.G. Bro. H. Cook in the chair), the secretary made feeling reference to the death at the Dardanelles of late Bro. A E. Tippett. In moving that a letter of condolence be sent to the relatives of the late brother, the secretary said that , while they all mourned the loss of a brother Oddfellow, he was sure their sadness was somewhat relieved by the thought that Bro. Tippett had died a noble death in the defence of his country and his country's honor. Another bright and promising young life had been giving willingly and ungrudgingly in defence of their honor and liberties and their hearts went out in genuine sympathy to the bereaved relatives. The motion was carried in silence. Daily Telegraph Launceston 17th June 1915
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