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Webb Thomas Henry Wilkins


Born 1892 Deloraine Tasmania the son of Henry Irwin Butler and Louisa May Webb (nee Whitworth) a farmer he embarked Melbourne 8th December 1916 on board “HMAT Orsova” with the 40th Infantry Battalion. 

He died 8th December 1919 Launceston Tasmania and was buried in the Chudleigh Cemetery, Chudleigh, Tasmania, Australia. 

Our Chudleigh correspondent writes

Very deep sorrow was expressed on every hand when the fact became known Private Tom Webb had passed away at the Hornsey hospital.  It was just about three months since Private Webb arrived home with his English wife.  He appeared fairly well but seemed to be suffering slightly from the effects of gas.  They had just taken a house at Caveside and furnished it and were only there a few days when he became seriously ill and was motored into Launceston by Mr E W Oliver where he was for six weeks gradually getting worse.  Although everything possible was done he passed away on December 8th.  Much sympathy is felt for the young widow who has been most devoted in her attention never leaving his side day or night.  The body was brought out by train and was met by a large company of sorrowing friends.  It was conveyed to the Anglican Church.  The funeral took place on December 10th and was largely attended. 

The Weekly Courier 18th December 1919




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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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