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Wrathall William Albert


 Born 6th April 1888 Hobart Tasmania to William and Mary Ann Wrathall (nee Mulholland he was a labourer, married with three children when he enlisted. 

Whilst on service abroard he was advised that his wife had died back in Tasmania and no one will ever know if his mind was elsewhere when he was involved in a fatal accident.

Inf Sergt P McCarthy No 636 of the 2nd Engineers stated 

 “He came from Tasmania, in March he got gassed at the Cambrai front at Mets.  While there Wrathall had news that his wife had died in Tasmania leaving 7 kids.  He returned from Blighty in August going up to rejoin his unit which was at Villers Bretonneux at that time.  He was with Sapper Emmery of the 2nd Battn M& T Coy.  Enery stated that on the road near Amiens a train went over Wrathal cutting him to pieces.  How the accident occurred I don’t know as I was in Blighty at the time but I know this is an absolute fact.  I know his body was buried at Corbey but the grave I have not seen.

 After a court of enquiry he was listed as accidentally killed 7th August 1918 and was buried Pernois British Cemetery, Halloy-les-Pernois, France






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