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Wright, William Edward



Group portrait of members of 2nd Section, 4th Australian Machine Gun Company, at Fruges in France

Middle row 1st. left 3702 Cpl William Edward Wright, Cambridge TAS 

Born 11th August 1895 Clarence Tasmania to James and Esther Wright (nee Read) he was a labourer when he enlisted.  He embarked Melbourne 5th January 1916 on the “HMAT Afric” with the 26th Infantry Battalion.  He was killed in action 17th Oct 1917 Belguim

The following is a copy of a letter received by Mrs. Wright, George-street, North Hobart, from Lieutenant F. Garner, in France, informing her of the death of her son, Corporal William E. Wright, killed at Ypres, 17/10/17.

"Dear Madam,-It is with very much regret that I have to inform you of the death in action of your son, No. 3702, Corporal W. E. Wright who was killed at Ypres on 17/10/17. -I may state that his death was caused through a shell bursting in his gun pit, killing him and the other three members of the gun team. His death was instantaneous, and he therefore did not suffer any pain. He was buried close by to the gun position by his comrades, and a cross now marks his last resting place. On behalf of his comrades of the section, I wish to tender you our deepest sympathy in your sad loss, which is keenly felt by myself and the section, as he vas very popular in the company, and liked by all.-Believe me to be,.yours very sincerely, Lieut. F. Garner."

The Mercury 21 Jan 1918




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