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World War 11 Casualties


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Atkins Lindsay Raymond

Service Number TX739 Death Date 29/03/1941 Place of Death Middle East Cause of Death Died from wounds Burial  Benghasi Mil Cemetery


Spr. L. R. Atkins

Spr. Lindsay Raymond Atkins (30), son of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. D. Atkins, of 295 Main Rd., Glenorchy, whose death in England, from wounds, was reported in "The Mercury yesterday, was educated at Clemes College, Hobart. At the age of 17 years he signed on as seaman on the whaler Nielsen Alonso for her expedition from Hobart to the Antarctic.

Subsequently he made several trips as seaman on the Union Steam Ship Co  interstate steamer Kekerangu Of adventurous disposition he worked in several States before joining the A IF in September 1939 he was employed by Yellow Cabs (Tas) Pty Ltd at Hobart He left Australia in May 1940.

 On the day before news of his death in England was received from the War Office his parents received a letter from him posted in North Africa

Spr Atkins married Miss Muriel Perkins daughter of Mr and Mrs Alan Perkins of 192 Davey St Hobart He is survived, by his wife and infant daughter

Mercury 15 April 1941










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