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World War 11 Casualties
Chamberlain Hubert Basil
BARDIA CASUALTY Pte. H. B. Chamberlain, Advice has been received that Pte H B I Chamberlain of Launceston was among the casualties in the storming of Bardia He was reported seriously wounded and later his death was announced Pte Chamberlain who was aged 31 years was born at Hobart and educated at St Virgil s College. He was the second son of Mr and Mrs Reginald Chamberlain Elizabeth St Launceston and husband of Mrs Sylvia E Chamberlain, Forster St Launceston. Pte Chamberlain enlisted at Melbourne Another brother Pte L .J. Chamberlain, is serving with the AIF abroad.The Mercury 24 Jan 1941
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