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World War 11 Casualties


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Dean Geoffrey Reginald


The following is taken from TASMANIANS AT WAR IN THE AIR 1939-1945 with the kind permission of Brian Winspear    

The Dean brothers lived just over the fence from Western Junction airport at Evandale for most of their lives.  With aircraft passing low over their house every day, it is understandable that they were both keen to join the R.A.A.F. as soon as hostilities broke out.   

Geoffrey was born 1919 and joined up as a pilot on an early course.  On a flying course at Pt. Cook, he was drowned while on leave with a party of airmen when their boat sank in Port Phillip Bay .  

His brother Raymond, born in 1929 completed his pilot’s course and was not happy when posted to Western Junction as an instructor. To compensate, he regularly engaged in wild ‘dog fights’ with other instructors in the Tiger Moths used at that time.  In February 1942 he tested his luck too far and collided with another aircraft over Cressy, crashing to his death.  

The third brother John was just eighteen when the war ended and still lives at Evandale.  







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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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