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World War 11 Casualties
Eddington Norman Ernest
The Mercury 3rd October 1945 EDDINGTON.-On October 1. 1945 at 2/12th Australian General Hospital, Morotai, TX4320 Dvr Norman Ernest Eddington, ex-prisoner of war,- the loved and loving eldest son of Mr and Mrs E. A. Eddington, El Ramo, Bagdad. The Mercury 5 Oct 1945 Mr and Mrs E. A. Eddington, of Bagdad, have been notified that their son, Dvr Norman Eddington, who was a prisoner of war for 3 years, died at Morotai on Monday. Educated at Hutchins School, Dvr Eddington was an outstanding athlete. Excelling at cricket and football, he was captain of the school for two seasons. .On leaving school he registered many good performances with bat and ball for the Bagdad Cricket Club, and was prominent in Country Week matches for the Brighton Association. He was a member of the Hutchins School Old Boys' Masonic lodge.
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