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Gardam, Dora Shirley
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night, huddled together on the sand, the group watched a fierce gun battle out
to sea and later a large lifeboat carrying British servicemen came ashore. Their
numbers were now swelled to almost 100 people gathered on the beach.
large in number, the group decided to surrender themselves to the Japanese and a
small group left in search of the Japanese. In the meantime, the children,
hungry and cranky after forty eight hours without food, were beginning to annoy
people. Matron Drummond, in a move that would soon turn out to be a fated one,
suggested that the mothers, children, and other civilian women start making
their way toward the village. All agreed, except one elderly woman who wished to
remain at her husband's side. Whilst the nurses remained with the injured, the
women and children organized themselves and left.
Bullwinkel was sitting quietly on the sand when the Japanese troops arrived.
They ordered half of the men to stand and a detachment marched them at bayonet
point down the beach and out of sight behind a headland. A few minutes later the
Japanese returned and gathered up the remaining men, heading them off in the
same direction.
on the beach were Matron Drummond, her twenty one AANS nurses and the one
remaining civilian woman. Vivian heard one of the nurses utter in disgust "
There are two things I hate the most, the sea and the Japs, now I've got them
both. "As the women laughed at this remark, there suddenly came the report
of rifle fire from beyond the headland.
later the Japanese detachment reappeared, they sat down in front of the women
and began to clean their rifles and bloodied bayonets. When done, they ominously
motioned for the women to stand up. Not one woman cried, not one woman whimpered
and not one of them tried to run away. They had no weapons and they knew that
the men from the beach were dead. They also knew that they would not be rescued.
It was pointless to run and, besides, where could they go?
the soldiers began pushing them towards the knee-high surf. They stood in a
straight line - twenty-two nurses and one elderly civilian woman - facing the
horizon. The nurses still wearing their Red Cross emblems on their sleeves, the
symbol which, supposedly, should have protected them. Again, no one spoke, no
one wept, and when they reach waist deep water, the Japanese opened fire with a
machine gun.
wounded, Vivian Bullwinkel was the sole survivor of the massacre of the women.
She knew that if she vomited, or showed any movement whatsoever, that the
Japanese would finish her off. She held her breath, stealing a little air here
and there and, although she couldn't swim, she floated and slowly the current
brought her closer to the shore.
she was to say later, "…I plucked up enough courage to sit up…I looked
around and there was no sign of anybody…there was nothing. Just me".
Vivian came ashore and walked up a narrow path, away from the beach and into the
jungle. Some twenty yards in, she lay down. "I don't know whether I became
unconscious or whether I slept," she was to muse later.
daylight she awoke, she was hot and thirsty. She thought of the springs, but
fortuitously stopped herself from moving, for just at that moment she spotted a
line of Japanese back on the beach. "My heart went to the bottom of the
feet again" she said. Another escape.
when the Japanese were gone, she abandoned her hideout and made for the springs.
The water was cool and she gulped it greedily. Suddenly she heard an English
male voice say "Where have you been nurse?" It was Private Pat
Kingsley, a British soldier who, although badly wounded, had survived when the
men had been shot and bayoneted Vivian and Kingsley remained hidden in the
jungle for 12 days, during which time Vivian, while injured herself, attended to
Kingsley's wounds and procured whatever food she could from the local
realized that they could not go on like this, which led her to the inescapable
conclusion that they would have to give themselves up again. Kingsley agreed,
but asked her to wait twenty - four hours. "I'll be thirty nine tomorrow
and I'd like to think I had my thirty- ninth birthday free", she remembered
him saying. "Time is no object" she said, and the next day they
celebrated his birthday in the jungle. During the 3˝ years of the nurses' captivity, Vivian Bullwinkel endured the hardships and the brutality of the camp life and was determined to survive to bear witness to the massacre of her twenty-one nursing colleagues. She took her turn in performing all of the camp duties such as cooking, nursing, and working on the hygiene and burial parties. And she and two other nurses were to earn 80 cents a day, from the other internees, baling out the clogged toilet drains with half a coconut shell and carrying the human excreta a half mile into the jungle
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