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World War 11 Casualties


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Pitt Douglas Henry Frdrck


Born 19 July 1917 Tolosa Street, Glenorchy, the son of Joshua John and Victoria Marian Pitt (nee Crowther) he was an accountant before enlisting in the RAAF 

He is buried in the RAF Cemetery Cambridge England 

The Mercury 26 Jan 1944

Member of the Forces

PITT.-On January 21, at Cranfield,England, as a result of an aircraft accident, Flt-Lt Douglas Henry Frederick Pitt. RAAF, only son of Victoire M. Pitt, and grandson of the late Henry L. Crowther, SM aged, 26 years. Per ardua ad astra.

The Mercury 28 Jan 1944


Death On Service

Mrs V. M. Pitt, of Hobart, has received advice of the death of her son. Flt-Lt Douglas H. F. Pitt, RAAF, on Jan. 21. at Cranfield. England.

FLT-LT D. H. F. PITT, RAAF Son of Mrs V. M. Pitt, Hobart. Advice of his death on service

in Britain has been received.

Flt-Lt Pitt, after having transferred from the AIF, trained in Australia, and left for overseas almost three years ago. Whilst stationed at Aden he served in Ethiopia and practically all war areas of the Middle East, and attained the acting rank of squadron leader.

Regrouped on reaching the United Kingdom, he met his end when his Beaufighter undershot the aerodrome.

He was educated at Clemes College.






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