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World War 11 Casualties


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Taylor William Pollok


Capt W. Pollok Taylor

Capt W. Pollok (Jock) Taylor, AIF, who died on May 4, 1941, of wounds received at Tobruk, was the first Tasmanian officer to give his life for his country. He enlisted on the declaration of war, and after attaining the rank of captain, left Australia with the 2/12th Battalion early in 1940. For years previously he was a member of the 40th Battalion, Australian Military Forces.

Capt Taylor, who was the younger son of Mrs Taylor and the late Mr Archibald Taylor, was born in Hamilton, Scotland in 1907, and came to Hobart with his parents in 1921. He was educated at the Hamilton Academy and the Friends' School, Hobart. A prominent member of the Claremont Golf Club, Capt Taylor was also a member of the Naval and Military, Masonic and Royal Autocar clubs.

For many years Capt Taylor was a member of the staff of the E., S. and A. Bank, Hobart. He married in 1939 Miss Myee Dutton Taylor, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Winslow Taylor, formerly of Perth (WA).

The Mercury 2nd April 1943

Information supplied by Chris Hill




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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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