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World War 11 Casualties
Tippett Mervyn Dallas
The Mercury 25 Feb 1947 OPEN FINDING ON JEEP FATALITY The inquest in Hobart yesterday on the death of Mervyn Dallas Tippett when an army jeep overturned near Brighton on Jan 13, the Coroner (Mr Mitchell), said there would be an "open" finding as he could not determine from the evidence the cause of the accident. MR F J. WILMSHURST (Ogilvie McKenna, Wilrhshurst, and Mills) was allowed to appear for Cpl T. Hills, driver of the jeep. Stanislaus Ryan, licensee of the Berriedale Hotel, said three occupants of a jeep called at the hotel shortly after 3 pm on Jan. 13. They stayed there 20 minutes or half an hour and had some drinks, but all were perfectly sober when they left. Lt M. P. C. Riley said the jeep left Anglesea Barracks at 3.40 pm. He could not account for the three men having been at the Berriedale Hotel shortly after 3 pm, as stated by the licensee. Asked if he would produce the work sheets showing the time the jeep left the barracks, Riley said he was unable to do so. Bernard T. Hills, corporal in the Provost Corps, who was driving the jeep, said the vehicle veered suddenly to the left and went straight for a fence. He tried to bring it back on the road. He was not affected by any liquor he had had on the way to Brighton. His foot appeared to slip on to the accelerator when the accident appeared imminent. Eric William Jackman, sergeant in the Provost Corps at Anglesea Barracks, said he was a passenger in the jeep. He thought they left the barracks at 3.20 pm. They stopped at the Berriedale Hotel and had fouror five drinks. They also called at Brown's Hotel, Bridgewater, and had one drink there. The jeep was travelling at 25 to 30 miles an hour at the time of the accident. The road surface was good. "Hills was definitely sober," Jackman told Mr Wilmshurst.
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