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Turnbull John Percival


The Mercury 31 Mar 1943

Hobart Man Killed In Car Smash At Launceston

WHEN a motor-car crashed into an electric light stay pole in Brisbane St., Launceston, near City Park, late on Monday, John Percival Turnbull, unmarried, a member of the AIF, of Hobart, was injured  fatally.

Miss Mavis Herbert, 239 Wellington St., Launceston, who also was in the car, was lacerated about the face and legs. She and Turnbull were taken to the Launceston General Hospital.

The driver of the car was injured, but was not present when the police arrived, and has not yet been interviewed. An inquest will be opened today.

The car, which is a hire-drive vehicle was smashed badly, and the engine forced back under the dashboard.

Sgt W. F. Bourke reported that the impact caused the car to swing round so that the rear faced the opposite side of the street. When he arrived Turnbull was lying on the roadway unconscious. Mr R. J. Foot, 99 Charles St., told him he was driving a car from Elphin when he saw a car approach from the city, and heard the crash. The car caught alight, and Mr Foot assisted to get the injured woman out.

Gordon Lewis Smith told a representative of "The Mercury" that he was on the scene soon after the accident, and noticed the car alight under the bonnet. He helped another man take a woman out of the car, and someone else put out the fire. Turnbull was lying over the back of the front seat apparently dead. While he was helping the woman out of the car someone got out of the front seat and walked away. Smith added that he believed there was a fourth person in the car. 

The Mercury 2 April 1943


Pte J. P. Turnbull

The funeral of Pte John Percival Turnbull, of Hobart, took place yesterday morning at the Carr Villa crematorium. The service was conducted by Padre R T Wootton.  Chief mourners were Messrs T A. Turnbull (brother) D. Henderson (uncle), and C F. McClea. Casket carriers were Sgts A. Chatterton, B. M Horne, W A. Appleby, and Pte R M Richardson. "The Last Post" was sounded by Bugler Hr H. Hincks.

Funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr C., T Finney.




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