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World War 11 Casualties


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Wedd Rex Henry


Rex Henry Wedd 408200 was killed on the night of 20/21 December 1943 in Lancaster JA674 whilst attacking Frankfurt.  The Lancaster was shot down by Uffz Werner Rominger (his first victory (abschusse)) of 8./NJG3 at 20.07 hours at Laubach, 25 km SE of Giessen.  The Lancaster exploded in mid-air, the entire crew, of which Flt Lt Wedd was the bomb-aimer, was killed.  5 bodies were found in a forest, one in the main street of Lauter and a year later the 7th body was found in the forest and buried in a shallow grave. 

The Mercury 16 Mar 1944

Airman Believed Killed

Acting Flt-Lt Rex Henry Wedd, youngest son of Mr and Mrs J Wedd. Lenah Valley, who was posted missing in air operations over Frankfurt. Germany on Dec 20 last, has now been posted missing, believed killed.

Flt-Lt Wedd was a navigation officer in the Pathfinder Force. Of the eight members of the crew of his plane, six have been reported prisoners of war, and two Australians, including Flt-Lt Wedd. are believed to have lost their  lives. Educated at St. Virgil's Col- lege. Hobart. Flt-Lt Wedd was for a time a teacher in the Tasmanian Education Dept. Before enlistment he was patrol officer in the Administration Dept. New Guinea.

The Mercury 17 May 1945

DFC awarded to Flt-Lt Rex Henry Wedd (since presumed dead), New Town (T). Flt-Lt Wedd,  a bomb-aimer, had completed numerous operations against the enemy, in which he had invariably displayed the utmost fortitude andcourage.













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Tasmanian War Casualties, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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