Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No. 17766
Ship Name: “William Bryan”
Departure date: 4.07.1833
Departure Port : London
Conduct record: Con 40/1
Description List: Con 18/25
Appropriation List: MM33/6

Elizabeth Crouch was born London 1812.  She married Thomas Featherstone 4th July 1837 at Clarence Plains .  They later moved to Sorell where Elizabeth died 4th September 1848 at the Blue Bell Inn.

 The inquest into her death states

"Elizabeth Featherstone came to her death at the Bluebell Inn Sorell being drunk and excessively intoxicated and outrageous and was then and there the subject of convulsions and did die"

 She died without issue








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania