Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 27918 Ship Name “Emma Eugenia 2”
Departure Date 24.11.1841 Indent Con 15/1
Departure Port Woolwich Arrival Date 8.04.1842
Conduct Record Con 40/4 Description List Con 19/3

Ann was born Glasgow and her Native Place is listed as Belfast .

She was 21 years old when she was arrested for shoplifting from a Mr. and Mrs. Allen of Glasgow , she was tried on the 1st. October 1841 at the Glasgow Court of Justice and sentenced to 12 years 15 months. This was later converted to 7 years transportation.

Her convict record tells us she was 5’4”, Church of England, a servant, could read and write and was living with her mother Jane and three brothers at Glasgow .

On the 8th January 1844 she married Jonathon Tunbridge at Spring Bay , Tasmania .

Two sons, John and William were born to this union and Ann passed away 8th October 1884 at Sorell Tasmania with Dropsy being listed as cause of death.









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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