Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No. 31772
Departure Point Dublin
Departure Date 27.11.1840
Conduct Record Con 40/6
Description List Con 19/1
Appropriation List MM 33/7

We would like to thank Neill Garland for the following notes.

Mary Hackett was born 1819 Dublin Ireland , the daughter of Martin Hackett, a cabinetmaker and Julia Hackett.

She had been tried at the Dublin City Assizes for receiving stolen apparel, three shirts, one pair of shoes and a silk handkerchief. She was sentenced to transportation for seven years and was transported on the 'Mary Ann' arriving in the Colony on the 30th March 1841 Her convict records describe her as being 4'9" tall wit h a fresh complexion, an oval face with dark brown hair and blue eyes. Mary only had two blemishes against her name and these were not long after she arrived 7th Sept 1841 Superintendent Lock Disobedience of orders Six days solitary without blankets and assigned to his service 14th Oct 1841 Wilson Absent three days and nights without l eave Two months at the wash tub and then assigned in the ..?

Joseph Garland and Mary Hackett applied to be married late in 1842. Their request was sent to the Muster Master on the 16th. October 1842 and the Secretary on the 19th November 1942. Approval would have been given shortly thereafter. They were married at the Pontville Church according to the rites of the United Church of England. Witnesses at their wedding were Thomas Peltham and Ann Connor. At the time o f the wedding Mary was six months pregnant with her first child.

Mary died 14th Jan 1870 at Kempton Tasmania cause of death being cancer of the womb.








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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