Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No 32352
Departure Date 29.09.1852
Ship “Lord Auckland”
Conduct Record 33/112
Indent Con 14/32
Description List Con 18/58

James Hally was tried on the 27th. October 1848 in Tipperrary Ireland for Burglary.  He was aged 21 years.  He was sentenced to 10 years and was transported to Tasmania .  Prison record was good.  Transported on the "Lord Auckland" which departed Ireland 29th.September 1852.  Ship No. 358.

Convict 33/112

Description Height 5'6 1/2" age 26 Head round Hair dark brown whiskers ditto Visage-broad forehead-high.  Eyebrows dark brown.  Eyes-grey.  Nose-medium  Mouth-small and chin-small.

Remarks - marks of scurvy on face.  OH on arrival two years

14 Feb 1854 - ticket for meritorious conduct

1 Jan 1856 Conditional pardon

James spent some time in hospital before leaving Ireland .

On arrival was taken straight to hospital and discharged July 1853.  Sent to Davidson's Foundry.

Applied on the 3 August 1854 for permission to marry Margaret Casey

Permission granted on the 9th. August 1854

Was fined 29 shillings in 1854 for being drunk and fighting

Fined 5 shillings in 1855 for disturbing the peace.

Marriage took place at Saint Joseph according to the rites of the Holy Catholic Church and by banns.  Married by church chaplain Rev. T. Woods.  James Hally could sign his name but Margaret signed with a cross.

 The Mercury 18th July 1903

Hally - On Saturday July 11 at Brighton , James Halley aged 76 years.

Funeral will leave his late residence at 3 o'clock on Tuesday for St. Mathew's Church Brighton.

Friends are respectfully invited to attend RIP









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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