Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 39468
Ship Name “Barossa”
Departure Point: Sheerness
Conduct Record Con 33/16
Indent Con 14/12
Description List Con 18/30
Appropriation List Con 27/9

Joseph Jacques was born 1811 York England .  His mother is listed as Rebecca Peck with no father being listed.  We know he had two brothers, Mathew and James and a sister Sarah who were living at York England

Tried Kingston Upon Hull on the 12 April 1841 Trade Tailor

Native place York

Transported for housebreaking.  Gaol report, often imprisoned, bad character.

Hulk report, Good.   Single, stated this offence housebreaking and stealing eight pounds - once vagrancy for 3 months, once highway robbery acquitted, 7 months in gaol.  Assault 1 month acquitted.  For pocket picking once 14 days for being in the town.


Death Certifiate tells us Joseph was a pauper in receipt of charitable aid

Death certificate was signed by W.Gunn Warden and the informant was W.Devill Constable.








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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania