Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 43605
Ship Name “Blackfriar”
Departure Port Ireland
Conduct Record Con 41/30
Indent Con 15/7
Description List Con 19/9

Tried Co. Galway on the 27 December 1849 for killing a sheep, the property of Dillon at Galway .  She received 7 years transportation to V.D.L. for this offence.

Gaol report - Good

Once convicted before - 3 months for a petticoat 2 months for turnips.

Surgeons report, very good.

She arrived in Hobart Town per the Blackfriar 29th May 1851.

Her convict report tells us she had a sister Betsy in County Galway .

Permission to marry

BAKER Robert free KEOUGH Honor Blackfriar 31 MAR 1854 CON 52/7 p30 RGD 37/13 : 1854/0205

Witness to the marriage was James Fitzgerald

Honah was also delivered of an illigitimate male child Michael 5 Dec 1852 who died on the 19th Dec 1852 from convulsions, father unknown

After the death of Robert Baker she married Joseph Jacques 1857 in the Roman Catholic Church at Oatlands.  She died 14th November 1903 Newtown Road Newtown and was buried at Cornelian Bay









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Graves of TasmaniaGravesites Of Tasmania