Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict Number 48244
Ship name “Bussorah Merchant”
Departure Port :  Downs
Conduct Record Con 31/27 Indent 33/2
Description List Con 18/1
Appropriation List Con 27/4

Peter Lythgoe was born 11th August 1801 at Latchford, Cheshire , England .  He married Sarah Petrie 1824 St. Michael in the Hamlet, Liverpool England .

To date no record of his death has been found.

According to the Calendar of Liverpool Sessions, Peter was tried in January 1824 with the following:

"Peter Lythgoe, age 21, was committed for trial on 17th December 1823 with having feloniously embezzled and secreted the sum of 3 shillings and 1 penny, the property of Ann Jones, his mistress. Verdict: For the County Sessions ."

There is no reference at the next two County Sessions as to him being tried there, however in the Criminal Registers for Lancashire for January 1824 it shows him having been sentenced to 6 weeks in prison.

Some time later he was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment for 'Breach of Trust'.

His major crime, however, came 5 years later. This is a transcript from

˜The Liverpool Courier18th March 1829:

                                                         HORSE STEALING

Peter Lythgoe, 26, was indicted for stealing a gelding, the property of John Evans, Toxteth-park. It appeared from the evidence that on 27th of September, a servant of the prosecutors took the gelding and left it in Toxteth-park, and having locked the gate, returned home. The horse was seen in the field the next day, but on the 29th Mr Evans found that the lock was taken off the gate and the horse gone. On the morning on which the horse was stolen about 6 oclock the prisoner came to a man, named John Dean, who was in a field at Tue Brook, and bargained with him to exchange a horse, which he said he had bred himself at Thingwall in Cheshire, for a mare belonging to Mr Dean, receiving £5 to boot. the jury returned a verdict of Guilty.

After the trial the sentence of Death was commuted to Transportation beyond the seas for the term of his natural life. At a date between 1st April and 30th

His Convict description tells us

Trade: Ploughman - reap - milk - can shear.

Height: 5ft 9 1/4 ins

Complexion: dark

Head: Round

Hair: Dark Brown

Whiskers: None

Visage: Oval

Forehead: High

Eyebrows: Brown

Eyes: Grey

Nose: ML

Mouth: MW

Chin: Broad

Remarks: Stout made.

Can read and write.









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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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