Gravesites Of Tasmania



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Convict No 86280
Ship Name “ Guildford
Departure Port Portsmouth
Conduct Record Con 31/45
Indent Con 13/2 Page 89 Con 16/1 Page 142
Description List 23/3
Tried Launceston August 1840

Thomas Wright was 22 years old when he was tried for housebreaking.  He was tried at the Essex Lent Assizes, found guilty and sentenced to death which was commuted to 14 years transportation. He left Portsmouth on the 14th May 1820 arriving in Hobart on the 28th. October 1820.  In 1840 he was convicted of breaking and entering and a further seven years was added to his sentence.

On arrival he entered the service of a Mr. Dreyfus and his conduct record is unblemished for the first 8 years until the 10th March 1828 when he received 25 lashes for being absent without permission.

He was also lashed for using abusive language in a public street.  After he was convicted of breaking and entering in 1840 he was sent to Port Arthur .

His description list tells us he was 5’3” dark brown hair and blue eyes and was much pockpitted.  His native place was given was Marsden , Kent .

On the 21st. November 1831he married Lydia Sanders in Longford, Tasmania.. 

Thomas Wright was buried at Longford.






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Gravesites Of Tasmania, Honouring the past, building understanding.

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